Bylaws of African Psychological Network (APN)



We, the members of the African Psychological Network (APN), to fully realize our purpose, do hereby adopt and establish this constitution as the guiding instrument of our organization. 

  • The African Psychological Network (APN). Hereby also referred as APN, network, or organization. 

  • The African Psychological Network unites members, students, and affiliates with ties and interest of mental health promotion in/for the African continent. The network will: 

    1. Facilitate professional exchanges among psychologists and international students from the African continent 

    2. Promote mentorship and leadership involvement of African psychologists in the United States 

    3. Help develop study abroad and research collaborations between African psychologists in the United States and abroad, particularly those residing in the African continent 

    4. Increase attention, dissemination of information, and/or coordination of resources allocated for crisis situations in various African countries 

    5. Strengthen advocacy and research pertaining to the psychological wellbeing and healthy functioning of African immigrants and refugees 

    6. Increase understanding of African cultural practices as it relates to mental health 

    7. Permit the development of a forum to address the specific needs and concerns of African psychologists residing in the United States. 

  • Section 1. Classification. There shall be the following classes of members: 

    A. Primary: Primary members are professional members who have paid their dues. a. Master’s and doctoral level individuals who actively hold professional positions in the field of psychology 

    B. Affiliate. Affiliate members are APN members who do not meet the criteria for a primary member but meet the requirements of the subset of affiliates indicated below. Affiliate members do not have voting rights.

    Subset of affiliates:

    1. Student: Student members are APN members who are still in training and have not achieved the professional status. 

    2. Individuals interested in the mission and values of APN but do not meet the category of primary members (e.g. bachelor’s degree holders, those working in the field but do not hold master’s or doctorate degrees). 

    Section 2. Eligibility. 

    A. Any professional trained as a psychologist, counselor, or other related mental health discipline, and has a connection and/or interest in/to mental health in the African content, is eligible for membership in this association and shall become a member upon payment of association dues. 

    B. Any student training to become a psychologist, counselor, or other related mental health discipline, and has a connection and/or interest in/to mental health in the African content, is eligible for membership in this association and shall become a member upon approval of application by the membership committee. 

  • Section 1. Officers. The executive committee of the association shall consist of a sitting-president, a president-elect, a secretary, and a treasurer. 

    Section 2. Term of Office. Executive committee shall assume their duties at the close of the meeting at which they are elected. Sitting president will serve for a total of three years (3). At the end of second year, the next president (president-elect) will be elected and will serve as president-elect for one (1) year. At the end of the sitting president’s third year (which is also the president-elect’s first year), the president elect will move to the position of sitting president. Other officers shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successors are elected. No officer shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office. 

    Section 3. Vacancy of Office. If any of the executive committee’s positions (except sitting-president and president-elect) are vacant, the executive committee shall be charged with the responsibility of deciding how to fill the position. 

    Section 4. Nominations. An election committee of up to four (4) members shall: 

    1. Be selected during the March/April meeting. Once the committee is selected, the committee should identify the committee chairperson. 

    2. A call for nominations for the respective officer positions shall be made by the chair of the election committee by June 1st, and written nominations be received by June 30th. A nomination may be made by self-nomination, or by other APN members, provided consent has been obtained from each nominee. The Nomination shall include the name of the nominee, place of residence, vita, and a brief statement of interest. 

    Section 5. Elections. 

    1. The officers shall be elected by August 1st and an announcement of results distributed to APN members within two (2) weeks of the election. 

    2. Only primary members who have paid their dues in full and are in good membership status shall be elected and/or confirmed as officers. 

    3. Elections shall be by ballot, except when there is only one nominee for an officer position. Thereby, the nominee will be confirmed for the position 

    Section 6. Duties. Officers shall perform the duties provided in this section and such other duties as are prescribed for the office in these bylaws. 

    A. The sitting president shall:

    1. Preside at all meetings of the organization and the executive committee 

    2. Act as a spokesperson for the organization 

    3. Appoint chairperson of committees to the extent provided in Articles IV, VII and VIII 

    4. Fulfill such other duties as may be assigned by the organization or the executive committee 

    B. The president-elect shall:

    1. Perform the presiding duties of the president in the absence of, or at the request of the president 

      2. Fill the unexpired term if a vacancy occurs in the office of president; and 

      3. Fulfill such other duties as may be assigned by the organization, the executive committee, or the president. 

    C. The secretary shall:

    1. Record the minutes of all meetings of the organization and the executive committee;

    2. Be custodian of all documents, including APN bylaws, special rules, and standing rules;

    3. Keeping an up-to-date file of all members; 

    4. Conduct correspondence as directed by the organization, the executive committee, or the president 

    5. Send a call of the meeting to each organization member (or some other method of notification);

    6. Fulfill such other duties as may be assigned by the organization, the executive committee, or the president. 

    D. The treasurer shall:

    1. Be custodian of all funds, disbursing them as directed by the organization 

    2. Present a financial statement at each organization meeting and as requested by the board of directors 

    3. Prepare the financial records for audit by March-April 

    4. Fulfill such other duties as may be assigned by the organization, the executive committee, or the president. 

  • Section 1. Dues. 

    A. Annual dues shall be as follows: 

    Primary members $20.00  Affiliate members $10.00 

    B. Student Dues Reduction.

    A student who meets APN criteria for student dues reduction or waiver shall have their dues waived or reduced to a rate determined by the membership committee after review of the student’s application. 

    C. Dues Payment Dates.

    Dues shall be due and payable to APN by January 1 of each year. Unpaid membership dues will be considered delinquent after February 15. 

    D. Membership Year.

    The membership year shall be January 1 through December 31. 

    E. Application of Dues.

    Dues paid shall extend through the next membership year for a new member who joins the association during the months of September through December. 

    Section 2. Budget.

    A proposed budget for the following fiscal year shall be submitted by the Treasurer at the June/July meeting.

    Section 3. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year shall be January through December. 

    Section 4. The Executive Committee shall establish the dues for APN for the next fiscal year at October/November Meeting. 

    Section 5. APN will finance its activities through membership dues, donations, research, consultation fees, grants, fundraising activities, and other approved activities. 

  • Section 1. The annual meeting of APN shall be held during the annual convention of the American Psychological Association at a date, time, and venue determined by the executive committee. Alternate provisions (e.g. video or phone conference) will be made for members who are unable to attend the meeting in person.

    Section 2. Regular meetings shall be held every three (3) months (February, May, August [annual meeting], and November) in a format determined by the executive committee (e.g. online meeting, phone conferencing, etc.) so as to ensure maximal participation by members across the globe. The basic agenda at regular meetings shall be as follows:

    1. Call to order

    2. Roll call

    3. Approval of minutes

    4. Executive committee report

    5. Committee reports

    6. Old business

    7. New business

    8. Announcements

    Section 3. Special Meeting. Special meetings may be called by the president, a majority of the executive committee members, or upon the written request of one-fourth (1/4) of members of the association. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call to the meeting and a written notice of at least five working days shall be given.

    Section 4. Notices shall be mailed at least thirty (30) days before the meeting. The notice shall include the agenda, the date, time, and format of meeting including how to access it if online or by phone conferencing.

    Section 5. Quorum. One-third of members of the association shall constitute a quorum. A quorum is required in order for voting of any cause to take place. Members who submit an apology notice in writing, stating they will be absent from the meeting may be counted towards the quorum and may submit their votes in writing by the end of the meeting time. Members who do not provide a written apology notice of their absence will not be allowed to vote for the specified cause.

    Section 6. The meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

  • Section 1. The executive committee shall be composed of the officers and the chairpersons of the committees, with the duties subject to the orders of the organization. The executive committee shall:

    A. Have general supervision of the affairs of APN between meetings;

    B. Set the date, time, venue, and format of meetings;

    C. Make recommendations to the organization;

    D. Declare an office vacant per the guidelines of Article IX (Removal from Office and/or Membership).

    E. Adopt rules as needed to carry on the business of the executive committee, provided such rules are not in conflict with these bylaws or any special rules of order; and

    F. Perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws or ordered by the APN.

    Section 2. Meetings.

    A. Regular meetings of the executive committee shall be held at least one month before each regular meeting. Additional meetings can be scheduled as needed.

    B. Special meetings of the executive committee may be called by the president or the written request of one-third of members of the executive committee.

    C. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call and at least 5 business days written notice shall be given.

    D. A majority of the members of the executive committee shall constitute a quorum.

  • Section 1. Standing Committees. The standing committees shall be determined as necessary by the executive committee within one year of adoption of this bylaw document.

    Section 2. Composition. Chairpersons and members of all standing committees shall be appointed by the president in consultation with the president-elect, secretary, and treasurer, and the members of APN when tenable.

    Section 3. Other Committees. Other committees, standing or special, shall be created as the organization deems necessary to carry on the work of the organization. The chairpersons and members of such committees shall be appointed by the president, except that in the absence of the president, the executive committee may appoint the chairperson and members of a special committee, who shall be treated as though appointed by the president.

    Section 4. Duties. The duties of each committee shall be determined by the members of the committee, in collaboration with the executive committee.

    Section 5. Ex-officio Membership. The president or a delegate of the president, shall be an ex-officio member of each committee except the election committee.

  • Section 1. A member shall cease from being a member of APN by own decision communicated in writing to the President of the APN, or by failure to pay in full delinquent dues within one year (365 days) of becoming delinquent, or by failure to observe the constitution of the organization, even after a disciplinary action determined by the executive committee has taken place.

    Section 2. Any officer of APN whose dereliction of duty adversely affects the operations of the organization shall be subject to disciplinary action or removal from office after the following procedures:

    A. A written request stating the reasons for dismissal and signed by at least three (3) active members of the organization must be submitted at a regularly scheduled meeting.

    B. Before the next regularly scheduled meeting, written notification of the request and the reasons for dismissal must have been given to the offending officer, who shall be provided a chance to respond in writing or in person at the meeting.

    C. An affirmative vote by ballot of two-thirds (2/3) of all voting entries is required to remove the officer from office.

  • In the event of the dissolution of APN, the assets shall be liquidated and distributed to a charitable organization in accordance with government regulations. No funds shall inure to the benefit of individual members.

  • Section 1. These bylaws may be amended at any annual meeting of this association by a two-thirds vote, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting and is indicated as an agenda item in the call to the meeting.

    Section 2. Any approved amendment to the bylaws shall be taken into effect by the executive committee and reported to the membership in writing at least thirty (30) days following the adoption of such amendments by APN members.

  • The undersigned members of the African Psychological Network, after a three-fourths (3/4) affirmative vote of active members, do hereby agree to follow the guidelines of this bylaws.